Dear brothers of the HeartChurch community. Sincere greetings to all of you with whom I share my devotional today entitled, “Immense emotion!

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In the life of the world we felt a fleeting joy for the delights of meat, either when we were at a teenage party or we enjoyed recreational moments such as beaches or rivers. All that momentary excitement soon passed and then we fell into a state of boredom and boredom.
When you come to know God's love and the salvation he has provided us, we begin to experience an immense emotion that is difficult to describe in words. It is an ineffable joy that fills you with much happiness, strength and love for others. I call this intense joy "immense emotion."
The psalmist David experienced the intensity of this emotion every time he approached God's presence and said, “You will show me the path of life;
In your presence there is fullness of joy;
Delights at your right hand forever. Psalms 16:11 ”.
The psalmist whenever he entered the presence of God was filled with an immense emotion of joy that flowed from the throne of God. It was an experience of David that allowed him to spend a lot of time at the feet of the Lord and enjoy that great joy that came from the Lord.
In this present time the fruit of the Holy Spirit is within us and each time we seek the presence of the Lord in prayer at dawn, we are filled with that wonderful joy that leads us to experience the peace, love and strength of the Lord.
That immense emotion fills us with great joy and makes us healthy. When we rise from prayer we feel with the strength of a giant to bravely face the challenges of the new day.
It takes longer in the presence of God to feel that immense emotion of David and say, "In your presence there is fullness of joy."