Treating all creation well

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

Usually, we humans talk about treating our neighbours or other people well. We are more concerned and interested in treating ourselves and the people around us well.
It's all good, because even God loves that.
God or the bible talks a lot about treating people as we would treat ourselves.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' there is no commandment greater than these." - Mark 12:30-31

First of all, loving God with all your heart will make you abide by all His preceding laws and the ones about loving your neighbour.
Because once you have love for God, you will worship Him. You will always tell His goodness to people, you will love reading the bible(His words), your relationship with your fellow human will be good( giving alms, forgiving, having mercy on people, sharing good advices, complimenting others or simply making your utterances sweet and so on.)

Good relations with people

But most of the time, we are always concerned only about people and God and don't really regard the other things surrounding us.
It could be the animals we live with, our waters, plants, the land and all the things you can think about.

God created everything to perfection and handed it over to man to be a master of it.
It was a task given to us by God, we never deserved any of these because we were just created like any of the other creatures.

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Genesis 1:28

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

The first quote clearly state one of the reasons we were created, to be caretakers of what God had created. The second quote is no different from the first. To multiply(which we have gladly done) and fill the earth.

I'm not sure God took His time to call on and create all the things just for us to destroy them. He wouldn't have taken His time at all or could've simply left things as they were.

But what do we see today? Destruction everywhere.
We are Christians tho, but our focus is only about treating God, others and ourselves well failing to regard our other duties, which is taking care of what God has created. We are rather destroying the earth.

I know you will all side with me that God wouldnt be proud at all of what we have done.
There are a lot others who are really helping maintain the balance in the earth but majority are trying to cause the downfall of the earth.


Even in our homes, how do we treat our own pets? Sometimes it pisses me off to see someone not feeding his or her livestock or pets. Why keep them when you can't feed them? They did nothing wrong and didn't ask to be kept.

Animal cruelty


There are a lot of destructive activities going on which are continuously giving serious effects or consequences but because of our greed, we fail to realise it.

In my country for instance, there's a lot of destructive mining going on which are destroying the land and waters everyday but because of "poverty" in the country and the greed of the people, they never even think of the effects of what they're doing. They're only focused on the money.


Destructive Mining

I know there are other countries facing similar or different types of problems.

People cut trees, destroy water bodies and do their things just for their own gains, and always give excuses for their actions.
We fail to realise this world we live in is an ecosystem itself. Destroying habitats and other living things only come back to haunt us.
The global warming and all the bad things happening in this world now are mostly because of our actions.

Effects of our actions

All I want to say is, as we abide by the laws of God concerning treating of others good, we should do same to the things around us because that's also a task God gave us.
We should remember we are just caretakers of the earth right now and can choose to do whatever we want with it at the moment, whether good or bad, because the master is not around.
But we should know whatever we are doing will be accounted for, the day the real master appears.

I can't say everything one by one. We all know what is wrong and right.
But just in case we didn't know we would account for all of these things we do, I'm here to tell you or remind you.
All actions will be taken to judgement.

If your relationship with other people is great, that's not all, it should be same with your environment too.

Thanks for reading and May God be with us all!🌹🙏🏾

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