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Life is too short to live it soliloquizing and regretting about the things you wish you had done and the things you wish you hadn't done.
It is too short to stop living, it is too short to be bitter about the hurt caused by people, it is too short to hold grudges against those who angered us. It is too short to be wishing we had a particular thing. There is no time for wishes, so why waste time wishing instead of fulfilling our dreams.
Life is meant to be lived creating lifelong memories with each other and with the people, we come in contact with each day.
We can't tell and don't know what tomorrow holds for us, so why waste it over things that will never count or add value to the reason for our existence. Death can decide to knock at our door any day, what would you be remembered for when you are finally gone?
Let every day, every second, every minute, and every hour of our lives count, let it be for creating beautiful lifelong memories that would live in the memories of our loved ones, friends family, colleague, and people our paths crossed because we can't predict where we will be tomorrow or in the next few minutes.
We are still alive not because we've done anything to deserve it but because we still have a lot to do, so why not create lifelong memories with friends and family be our priority.

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Tell them how much you love and care for them without missing words, take them out, make amends, cherish every moment with people, cherish relationships and be kind to everyone you come across regardless.
We may never get the opportunity to tell them or do all the necessary things when they are no more, so why not do it when they are breathing.
Only our footprint will be left behind. Make time for people around you most especially your loved ones because they all want to feel your love toward them.