BIBLE TEXT: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
“Therefore if any man be in Christ; he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
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Joe Bishop wrote, “If you are saved, your behaviour changes as evidence that something changed on the inside- in the heart.” A newly married lady took some wrong steps that threatened the peace of the home. Few days after their wedding, she had gone to purchase a costly item for the family and brought home a receipt with her maiden name written on it. She also claimed to have lost the money her husband gave to her for processing her change of name. Also, on their first outing, to her husband’s surprise, she introduced herself by her maiden name. She had publicly declared leaving her parents in the Church but practically failed to cleave and become one flesh with her husband.
In the same vein, some youths respond to altar calls at church meetings, but months after declaring for Christ, they are still attached to their old sinful lifestyles. You can see it in their conversation, dressing, association, and actions. Is the term ‘born-again’ a mere rebranding or a rebirth? If it is a rebirth, then allow the old sinful things to pass away.
QUOTE: Still attached to their old sinful lifestyles.
CHALLENGE: The acid test of your new life experience is your lifestyle.
PRAYER: Lord, I give myself to you, cleanse me inside and outside.