in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

preacher man.jpg

Stood in the congregation,
As a messenger of God in our generation.
Telling about the most high God.
Who loves his children, not minding whose ox is gored.

'For God so loved the world' was the early morning echoes of his voice.
'Love your neighbor' was always his advice.
He said 'the Messiah came because of love'
And for that your greatest virtue should be love.

I believed and loved what he told me.
Praying for the one that will love me.
One to share love and affection
Giving her all my heart and attention.

She came, with the love that is supernatural,
With beauty that glitters natural.
It's like an angel working into my life.
With her words that keeps me alive.

The preacher man who read the scriptures about love.
Who told me about the importance of love.
...but he told my woman to leave me.
He said she should erase her Love for me.

That I would stop the move of God in her life.
Her future is risky meeting me in life.
Tears filled my eyes, and my pillow got wet.
The preacher man punched me and threw me into the net.

G O D ' S L O V E S U P E R C E D E S A L L
Do you love God?

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