Pixel art inspired by Hearthfarms!

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


Todos estos días la universidad y el trabajo me han exigido bastante por lo que no pude crear mi post de participación a este genial concurso... Vi que un usuario me instaba a mandarla porque había pocos participantes, por lo que me animé, pero luego confirmé que ya era muy tarde al comunicarme por el grupo de Telegram.

Aún así decidí enviar mi arte para que sirva al menos de apoyo al proyecto.

Para hacerlo combiné la cruz en referencia al cristianismo, el corazón en referencia a la palabra que encabeza el proyecto y el nombre del ministerio, dos hojas en referencia a las plantas y de fondo un terreno parecido a los que son subastados en Hearthfarms. Tuve algunos problemas porque no seguí correctamente el uso de las capas, producto de mi inexperiencia, pero lo sobrellevé maniobrando un poco los pixeles.

He pensado en animarme a publicar más sprites porque es bastante desestresante el hacer este tipo de arte aunque no estoy muy seguro de cómo lo recibirán los admins de la comunidad. Quizás algunos sprites de sacos de semillas, herramientas, pequeños edificios y cosas parecidas combinando esos conceptos quedarían geniales para los próximos posts...

Aunque no me fue mal con este editor, me recomendaron usar uno más actual para evitar problemas de compatibilidad en el futuro, así que si tienes alguna sugerencia estaría muy agradecido si me la compartieras en los comentarios, gracias de antemano!

Para el proceso usé la herramienta Recortes de Windows, Pixela 1.1 y Gifty.


All these days the university and work have been demanding me a lot so I could not create my participation post to this great contest.... I saw that a user urged me to send it because there were few participants, so I encouraged myself, but then I confirmed that it was too late when I communicated through the Telegram group.

Still I decided to send my art to serve at least as support for the project.

To do so I combined the cross in reference to Christianity, the heart in reference to the word that heads the project and the name of the ministry, two leaves in reference to the plants and in the background a land similar to those that are auctioned in Hearthfarms. I had some problems because I didn't follow correctly the use of the layers, product of my inexperience, but I overcame it maneuvering a little the pixels.

I've thought about getting excited about posting more sprites because it's quite de-stressing to do this kind of art although I'm not quite sure how the community admins will receive it. Maybe some sprites of seed sacks, tools, small buildings and the like combining those concepts would look cool for the next posts....

Although I didn't do too bad with this editor, I was recommended to use a more current one to avoid compatibility problems in the future, so if you have any suggestions I would be very grateful if you could share them with me in the comments, thanks in advance!


My participation.JPG


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You have a fun artistic interpretation of Heart Farms! Don't stress yourself making things but if you do make anything, I'd be happy to see it posted on Steemit.

For artwork, I liked GIMP for laptop / desktop:


Oh great! I'm going to download it, thanks for the recommendations!

Let me have your Telos account username, I will see about getting you a land plot. Can reply here or let me know on Telegram chat.

Thank you very much! my telos username is gabrielit.jc

Ok, great! You should have one by tomorrow, will assign you one later today.

Thanks for all your Heart Farms art, it's appreciated! https://farm.heart-church.org/live/?l=laa21 --- laa21,11,4

@gabrielr29 Hello!

I love your publication, I admire the talent of all those who can create art.

Shared on my Twitter in support of you and Heart Farms.


Thanks you so much! I already follow you on twitter :D