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Jesus said, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a cherish hidden in a field; the one in which if a man has found it, he conceal, and for joy thereof goes and selleth all that he have, and buy that field.” (Matthew 13:44) Jesus bought all the field because of the cherish in the field. The cherish is the Church of God, and the field is the whole world. Lord Jesus Christ bought the whole world with the price of His own blood, just because of the Church; He gave us all things. This let us know what Satan needs.
When Satan makes or inspires problems in the world, his eyes are on the children of God, the Church. His end game is to go after the Church of God always. He is averse to the people of God completely. The people that are freely serving and worshipping God. But he is a failure. Are you wondering why is devil is so much against the Church of God? It is because the Church which is you and I have what Satan has been wanting from the very start. He had said that he will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:14), but he couldn’t. He was rather kicked out of heaven.
After Devil was kicked out of heaven, he found out the Church, which Lord Jesus Christ bring to existence, would share the name of God, share the throne of God; His seat-with Him! Bit now, we are one with God by the thew of love Christ. Lord Jesus Christ said He will build His Church, and the gates of hell shall not be superior against it. That’s a fact that can’t be fragmented. Hallelujah! There is no force in the whole world that can stand against the Church. Don’t look at Church as just an organization; it’s the divine body of Jesus Christ—His margarite of great price.