Many times we ask ourselves how to recognize someone who has really grown in God and who serves him, and then we come to a number of conclusions that can sometimes be contradictory, the bible says that you will know them by their fruits and it is true, but sometimes the people of God also suffer processes that those who see from the outside might think this is not of God, if it were they would not be going through that. And we forget, for example, the sacrifice of Jesus, those who told him if you are a son of God, save yourself, but Jesus could not do that, because the redemptive work would not have been consummated.
Nor can we pretend to find perfect people because they do not exist, what we will find are simple people who decided to serve God, who every day have their hearts and minds to be transformed, humble, willing to change and above all merciful.
Whoever God has forgiven or understands that work, will also practice forgiveness abundantly with others, because he knows how much God has changed in his life.
The benefits of those who serve God will always reveal that touch they have of their creator, a person guided by the Holy Spirit of God, is a different person, without a doubt. And that will show in the way he behaves at home, with others and even with himself.
If we say we have believed in God and serve him, we must then correspond to it, and move in the world as a worthy child of his love, God above all things is love, he is a father and his followers, his children, those who serve him They must show it at all times.
As humans we can make mistakes, but the one who carries God in his heart will return immediately from that mistake, and will solve any difficult situation with the help of God.