The word grace is commonly use by Christian today. How well do you know about the word grace. grace means smoothness and Elegance of Movement. So let see the Christian explaination of grace. Grace is the love and mercy given to us by God because, it's His wish for us to have it. There's separate and unique power behind grace. when grace appear in your life, labour becomes ease. A Man of grace is not classified to be the most prayerful.
Grace is the top of all spiritual discipline because of it own nature of Power.
It's of great need as a christian to pray constantly pray for grace. In all your prayers, ask for grace From God. When praying for protection, tell God to keep you in His grace. In your journey of life, ask for grace. Whatever we do in life, we need His grace to succeed effortlessly.
As a Christian we need to grow in grace by reading the words of God and letting it dwell in us completely. Maturing in Christian Life is not about what we do, but is about what God does in us by His grace. Grace is not given to us by being proud, Because God says that He resists the proud but give grace to the humble. James 14:6.
Grace is not a created substance of any kind.
Grace is an attribute of God, that it's the most manifest in the salvation of sinners. No one comes to an over coming life expect by grace of God, for it's His grace that chasten us to live righteously and God fearing in the presence of the world.
Stay blessed.