Jeremiah 5:22 Are you not afraid of me? "Declares the LORD." Do you not tremble before me, who have made the sand as the boundary of the sea, a perpetual limit that will not transcend? Though the waves are stirred, they will not prevail; even if they roar, they will not pass over it.
Hello brothers and heartchurch community, God bless you. Keep moving forward and growing in the Lord always, GOD OPENS THE SEA SO WE CAN PASS THROUGH.
Almighty God, the Lord, the High and sublime, the almighty, the one who can do everything is expert in all things. He who strengthens us in the midst of trials and trains my hands for battle.
At all times he is with us, he floods us with his incomparable peace, he is faithful and true.
God cares for us when strong winds blow mercilessly. he opens the sea so that we can pass. He is our soon helper.
When you feel that you can't take any more and that the world is coming upon you, when you look around and cannot find a solution, when all the doors seem to have closed,when they tell you no, even in the midst of all the dark panorama God can open and sea so we can pass.
Psalm 107: 29
The storm turned calm and the waves of the sea fell silent.
As the chorus says. When you are facing the sea and you have to cross it, cry out to the only one who can open the sea.
God is enough, in the midst of the trials that we can go through, he is with us. I write from the experience that I have had in these last days of trials, where God has not failed and will never fail because he is faithful, he cannot deny himself.
Amos 9: 6
he who builds his upper chambers in heaven, and on earth he has established his vault; He who calls the waters of the sea and pours them out on the face of the earth: the LORD is his name.
I encourage you to take courage and take your breath because God is with you.