Hello friends from hearthchurch, I am again active on the steemit platform from my beautiful country Venezuela, and I thank God for the opportunities that he gives us every day to smile. I want God to bless you and direct each of his steps.
In this opportunity I want to share with you part of the work that my husband @jeanglou and I@glori1612, together with several brothers in the Faith, are doing in the congregation where we congregate: Casa del Alfarero Church, "Restored to Serve", a place where they have given us the opportunity to serve God with Musical Talent.
Regarding praising God with musical instruments, the Bible teaches us in Psalm 98 that we should:
4 “Sing joyfully to the Lord, all the earth;
Reaise the voice, clap and sing psalms.
5 Sing praises to the Lord with a harp;
With harp and singing voice.
6 Shout with trumpets and horns,
Before King Jehovah. "
Psalm 98: 4-6
Playing a musical instrument is very fun and enjoyable when we really like to do it, however, it requires a lot of discipline, practice and perseverance to do the job of assembling the musical pieces well; and it is in diversity that beauty is found. The sound projected by the Piano, the Guitar, the bass, the drums, the trumpets, the congas, the voices, all unified sounds really beautiful.
The attitude of serving God with music should be joyful, joyful and grateful for his love and for all that the Lord has done for us.
"Furthermore, four thousand gatekeepers, and four thousand to praise Jehovah, said David, with the instruments that I have made to render praise." 1 CHRONICLES 23: 5
For me it is a blessing to serve God in the church and to be able to bless the lives of many people through the talent that God gave me.
"The Peace of God Fill your life"