There is a reality that exceeds our understanding, it is a reality that we cannot avoid, much less deny. This reality influences the lives of all human beings created in the image of God, regardless of whether or not they believe in the existence of an Almighty, Loving God who sent his son Jesus Christ to die as a propitiation for the sins of all humanity. .
I am talking about the reality of light and darkness, two worlds that are totally opposite to each other and that affect the decisions that are made from the highest places in the world hierarchy as well as the simplest decisions of any human being.
On the physical plane, light has no communion with darkness, darkness and illumination cannot reconcile with each other. The same thing happens in the life of man, in the life of the genuine believer and the carnal Christian.
Deciding for actions that strengthen us on a spiritual level encourages the growth of light in our lives. To illustrate this, I wanted to take the game of chess as a reference, made up of different pieces that each perform a peculiar function. The same happens with our lives, each Christian occupies a very important place in the kingdom of God, and wages a daily battle between light and darkness.
Everything has its opportune moment; there is a time for everything that is done under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
God made everything beautiful at the time of it, and put in the human mind the sense of time, even when man cannot understand the work that God performs from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Sometimes out of selfishness, we think we know what is best for us, without taking into account what God says, in others the reluctance is out of fear. We worry about failure, criticism, or that obeying requires a great effort and we do not take into account the price to pay for turning away from the Lord.
Do you remember how good you feel when those comforts work properly again? Thank God for those "little" comforts that seem unimportant, but really hurt when they're missing