The light that shines on you

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago

A Christian who shines is like a lantern that lights the way for others to discover that there is a path where they will find their purpose, that's why my brothers and friends from @ heartchurch we must know that there is a light that shines in you, we can name several aspects of a Christian who shines in the darkness of society:

  • A Christian speaks of Jesus so that his light may dwell in every thirsty soul
  • A Christian has mercy as Christ has mercy on the whole world.
  • A Christian rescues his brother when he falls into the hole.
  • A Christian is attentive to his spiritual life.
  • A Christian loves and cares for his family.
  • A Christian always trusts in God.

These are only some fundamental aspects of those who have taken a step of faith leaving the past behind and deciding to be close to Jesus, as part of a process of progressive conversion, the child of God will continue to grow according to the will of God serving, executing the spiritual gifts that have been given to them to build up society and the church.

You yourselves could attach other important aspects in which we could emphasize, exhorting the world to have a relationship with Jesus, also encouraging in the believer habits of communion, the practice of prayer and gathering as the scripture says.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying: I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12

The Christian is the bearer of something or rather someone that when it reaches a heart a light shines, the natural man does not perceive the things of the spirit but he who has Jesus his understanding is enlightened and obtains a knowledge that leads him to eternal life .

If a believer claims to have Jesus then his testimony will cause many to be enlightened, of course God with his Holy Spirit convinces the sinner of his sin and thus is confronting leading him to a life of holiness when he decides for the Lord.

Today we must make that powerful presence of God in us shine and make the light that shines in you flourish.

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