The Cause For A New Agenda!
"But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built." (Genesis 11: 5)
Growing up as a child, I was taught to believe that the singular reason why God had to destroy the tower of babel was because "THEY INTENDED TO BUILD A TOWER THAT WILL GET TO HEAVEN."
...because they intended to get to heaven, God was threatened and decided to act fast so as not to allow Man gain access to heaven.
For many who also grew up as Christians or bible scholars, you must have heard the same story, and as true as that may sound, it is false.
God's agenda for destroying them and the tower wasn't because of those shared ideologies; it's deeply rooted in.....
Searching through the scriptures, you would be able to see clearly the heartbeat of God and His true intentions for His action.
"God's motive was hidden in His expansion agenda."
God's original plan was not to create diverse tongues and languages; neither was it to prevent mankind from walking together; nor was it about disrupting their ideas and plans;
God's 'WILL' was to create a realm where His agenda was to be followed to the later.
Where His ultimate will must be fruitful and spread upon every corner of the earth.
His purpose for creation was never to keep man at a standstill; it was to get man to SPREAD.
God's plan would have been stuck if the people never left the land of SHINAR.
In the same vein, most times we celebrate our present success that we leave little or no room for continuous growth.
His very purpose was to get mankind to be scattered all over the earth.
His initial intention was to get mankind all over ORGANICALLY, seeing that they were on a mission to alter that plan, God had to depend on GORILLA MARKETING TACTICS to accomplish His goal.
In summary, God wanted to build a "Global Brand" and man wanted to remain a "Regional Brand."
"And they said, come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, if not, we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth." (GENESIS 11:4)
God's grand plan is for us to go global, but many a times, we stale the will of God for our lives by settling for less.
"...and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the whole earth."