
in hive-108514 •  2 years ago 

1 Peter 2:17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.


Living a life of honor is one of the attributes of well trained individuals. As a sign of orderliness, those who honor others are seldom caught in a mess.

Today, the Spirit of God admonishes us to honor everyone. This is a complete deviation from what is obtainable in the world today.

People tend to honor people who have money, houses, connections, influence, popularity, among other earthly possessions.

It's important to understand that it takes the indwelling power of God's Spirit to truly honor those that have no impact in our lives from our hearts.

God expects us to respect everyone, irrespective of what they have or doesn't have.

The love and fear of God in our hearts should guide us at all times. Our honor to people should be seen as service to God because it is.

Let every arrogance and pride be destroyed, that God's Spirit will dwell in us eternally.

Let's pray together.
Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to honor you as the greatest. Please help us to honor people and live in love towards everyone, in Jesus name. Amen.

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