Psalms 3:3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
In a time like this, it's expedient that we ensure that we are still under a reliable shield.
The only shield that guarantees physical, emotional and spiritual protection is the Almighty God. It has become too dangerous to stay without a Divine coverage in our time.
The wicked is out to destroy, not only the body but souls of men. We must be vigilant and continue to dwell in the secret place of the most high. We can accomplish this through prayers.
The Lord is also the glory and lifter of those that believe. The glory of every man depends on Him. In fact, if anyone get a lifting without Christ, their fall and shame is inevitable, just a matter of time.
Don't stop abiding in Christ if you desire a lifting. Don't lift yourself, only submit to the lifter that does not compromise His stand: Jesus Christ.
Vain is the lift and help of man, for limitations as human puts the lifted to a crashing reality. Depend on God for everything you need and you shall not be ashamed.
Let's pray together.
Heavenly Father, thank you for being our shield, lifter and all. Please help us to stand firm till the end, that we may enjoy your glory eternally, in Jesus name. Amen.