The Law of Christ

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.


The spice of life reflects in the different burdens each person bears in this world.

No matter how wonderful a person's life appears from the outside, there's a burden within the heart, for everyone has something to fight.

It is for the purpose of burden bearing that God designed us to be social beings and support to each other.

Brethren, the law of Christ is love and love have more to do with reaching out to the hearts of people, bear their burdens and ensure they come out strong.

Don't stand in a distance to judge, take a step closer, who knows if you are in that church, friendship or organization for such a time like this to lift someone's spirit.

Let us bear each other's burden and so fulfil, not only the law of Christ but the purpose of God in us.

Let's pray together.
Dear Lord, thank you for giving us the opportunity to bear the burdens of others. Please give us the grace to do more, in Jesus name. Amen.

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