John 20 vs 19-22
The peace that was not available before, our Lord Jesus Christ brought it back after his Resurrection.
Jesus said he's going to send his spirit when he leaves the earth.
Acts 1:8.
Luke 9:59-62
A lot of people are celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ but they are not doing what Jesus Christ wants.
He said, go to the whole earth and let the good news spread all over the earth. The only reason why the holy spirit was sent to the earth is for salvation.
1cor 9:16-17
Luke 9:23
Any one that wants to follow Jesus after his Resurrection must deny his/her self. Which means you must deny yourself of food, water, etc, things that will affect your lifestyle, pleasure, etc.
Luke 14:25-27, Matthew 10:37-39
Whoever loves his father or mother or friends or spouse or children than Jesus has made a big mistake because Jesus should always come first in your life before anyone else.
Do you love your fellow? Because if you do, you will preach the gospel to your them.
Teach them the word of God, so that, as you grow spiritually,they will also grow too. Matthew 25:30-31