Preparation is the fundamental key in the key of life. And it is the fundamental key to success, Gal 4
It doesnt take time to manifest, but it takes time to prepare
What is preparation
It means to put all things in order, it is readiness,
Planning with fact: Preparation means planning with facts, the dictionary meaning of fact say, ACTION, the realm of action. Taking actions towards what you want to achieve or towards your goals is planning with fact.
Information analysis: Preparation also means gathering of information analysis towards your goals, duting preparation, we gather so informations in other for us to manifest better
Preparation means strategizing: Strategizing means a plan of action intended in achieving a specific goal a technique used, a method of preparing
Go for knowledge: There is this saying, ASPIRE TO KNOW MORE, this is one of the major ways to have a better preparation, seek for more knowledge
Create a clear vision of what you want to achieve in life: This is an important point, when you set a goal, a very clear goal, it helps you to move forward and quicken you to prepare more
Take care of your body: During the process of preparation, do not forget to take good and perfect care of your body. It is a very important this because there is this saying THE WAY YOU DRESS IS THE WAY YOU WILL BE take care of your body
Be gracious(impact) to everyone you meet: Make sure you make some impact in the life of people you meet, though this isnt rampant, but its a sign of you preparing for greatness
In conclusion
The law of the 5Ps says,PROPER PREPARATION PREVENT POOR PERFORMANCE, so prepare well.
Appreciation goes to everyone reading, and goes to @sirknight for the perfect preparation in leafing the heartchurch may God uphold you, @sirmiraculous, thanks foe your support