Today, I welcome you all to my blog, as I share with you a very interesting topic which i title YOUR QUIET TIME, a lesson for the contemporary Christians but before I proceed, I will like to appreciate the leaders and the parishioners of this great blockchain @heartchurch under the influence of our leader @sirknight, I pray the almighty God bless you in Jesus name. Enjoy and stay blessed as you read,
Firstly, what is QUIET
The dictionary meaning is little or no sound, denoting absence of disturbing noise, having little motion or activity calm.
On the otherhand Time means a qunatity of availability of duration. Now combining the two words together,
QUIET TIME, it is a time free from noise and disturbances, set aside regularly to go into a quiet moment in other to meet with God in a private and personal communion. A moment set aside, the moment you are alone to meet the father, to seek the face of the maker, to receive from him is know as the QUIET TIME
Why do we need a quiet time
- To receive Gods power
- To pattern our lifes after the lord jesus and following his steps
You cant be a man of the people all.the time and be great - It is important in other to cultivate a personal habbit of worshipping the lord, 1peter 2 vs 2, joshua 11 vs 8, psalm 1 vs1 to 3
- It helps us to create right reaction to trials and temptations that befall us
Requirements for quiet time
- Holy bible
- Choruses
- Dictionary
- A jotter and a biro
- Prayer points
- Devotional books
The amount of the quality of a quiet time you have with God is directly proportional to the life will leave
Time and place of quiet time
- Everyday
- Night.... How long, to be determined by the person
Benefits of quiet time
- Strenght is received to meet the challenges of the day. Ephesians 6 vs 10 to 12 paslm 5 vs 3, proverbs 8 vs 17
- An intimate relationship is developed
- More of Gods character is shown
- Self confidence is developed
- We develop faith isaiah 41 vs 14
- Peace philpians 4 vs 7
Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
How do i begin
A place where we have it everynight; A stipulated place free from noise which can be used everyday and anytime you want to seek his face
Schedule time: A schedule time should be fixed preferably in the middle of the night
Format of the quiet time, decide basically: How you want your quiet time to look like, but most time its taken up by God himself
Activities: Decide what you wanna do..
Discipline: Discipline yourself, it wont be a very easy one, but you discipline yourself, with timeit will be part of you
Start with a low time: As we all say, Rome is not built in a day, so start with a low time so it increases with time and consistency
In conclusion,
Building a quiet time with God is a very important thing in a christian life and in the christianity race, alot of this are gained through and during the quiet time, so cultivate an habit of quiet time, May almighty God help us.
Special thanks to God almighty for bring me back to this wonderful church, thanks to the leaders in people of @sirknight @densely and thanks to @sirmiraculous for his unending support, i pray the lord will uphold you till the end THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU