in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

REPENT, REPENT, REPENT! ,we've all heard this word time and time again, what really does it entails, how does it impact or affect my walk with God.


Repentance comes the greek word metánoia which literally means "after or behind ones mind".
In the bible the word repent means to change ones mind, it means a change of heart and action. The change spans from an inside-out direction, for a repentance to be genuine our outward behavior has to be an expression of what is happening on the inside.
As christians we have been called to a new life in jesus, we have been called out of darkness into light.
You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood
a holy nation,God's own people, in order
that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him
who called you out of darkness into his
marvellous light.
(1 peter 2:9)
Now here come the question what do I necessarily need to have a change of heart about? The truth about this walk of faith is that the word of God (as written in tht bible) opens us up to the will , intentions and the ways of God, it serves as a light that shines on our heart ,it reveals those hidden thoughts , intentions and motives that we weren't aware was there,once this happens with the help of the holy spirit we turn from our ways and REPENT.


REPENTANCE shouldn't be a word only meant for unbelievers , believers to should REPENT to conform daily to becoming christ-like, through the help of the holy spirit.
Just like the songwriter says "lord daily search my heart , and know my ways and make me holy , tried and true", this should be the cry of our hearts that we may know him more.
To begin this intimate walk with God we first should accept the lord jesus into our hearts as our lord , truly he will.

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This is quite touching dear.. Nice write up for one to repent in this season we are in