Génesis 33:9-11 Y dijo Esaú: Suficiente tengo yo, hermano mío; sea para ti lo que es tuyo. Y dijo Jacob: No, yo te ruego; si he hallado ahora gracia en tus ojos, acepta mi presente, porque he visto tu rostro, como si hubiera visto el rostro de Dios, pues que con tanto favor me has recibido. Acepta, te ruego, mi presente que te he traído, porque Dios me ha hecho merced, y todo lo que hay aquí es mío. E insistió con él, y Esaú lo tomó. Reina-Valera 1960
God's blessing
Genesis 33:9-11 And Esau said: I have enough, my brother; be for you what is yours. And Jacob said: No, I beseech you; If I have now found grace in your eyes, accept my gift, because I have seen your face, as if I had seen the face of God, since you have received me with so much favor. Accept, I beg you, my present that I have brought you, because God has done me mercy, and everything that is here is mine. And he insisted with him, and Esau took him. Reina-Valera 1960
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