SOURCE: www.christianforums.com
So much depends on the aftermath of whatever you claim to have done. The merits of any true stand depends on your comportment after whatever you claim to have done or achieved. It was said of Samson that he killed more Philistines at his death than during his lifetime. What was the merit of such an accomplishment? He died with the Philistines. He did not live to testify of what the Lord did. He did not live to proclaim his story and his song; but, is that really God’s desire for His children?
The Psalmist proclaimed in the light of an accomplished life – “I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever: with my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations” (Psalm 89:1). Whatever good thing you claim to have done should be an enhancement for a flow of all such goodness. Any level of grace you claimed to have enjoyed should not be seen as a terminus; you should be seen to be moving from grace to grace and from strength to strength.
The merit of any acclaimed accomplishment doesn’t end with the fact that you have done so well; but, a readiness to do more. The Bible says in Hebrews 6:10; that, ”God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shewed toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister”. The merit of a true stand is not just that you have ministered; it is more in the fact that you have ministered and you are still ministering. It is not in the fact that you have given for the enhancement of people’s joy or for the propagation of the gospel. It is wrapped in the joyful fact that you have given and you are still giving.
When your victory today does not give you a ground for a greater victory tomorrow; then your acclaimed victory is said to be weak. David stood before King Saul on the ground of the merit of a true stand in victory. He wasn’t talking only of what he had done in times past, he actually spoke of how propelled he was by the victory of the past, for the challenge on ground. Thank God for what God did through you some years back; but, the question today ought to be, what is He doing through you now?
SOURCE: www.christianforums.com