As my friends will know, my family and I are living in the Bolívar state specifically in Ciudad Bolívar, here in the Angostura sector there is a semi-environmental environment, where the habitat is shared with many species, as incredible as it may seem in the 21st century in this place There are poisonous animals, that is, insects, reptiles such as poisonous snakes and among them a species called one hundred feet as it is commonly known by the inhabitants of this place.

A few days ago my wife was doing cleaning work inside our home, when suddenly she takes a cleaning tool and a hundred feet of approximately 30 cm long and 1 cm wide comes out from under that tool, my son was playing on the floor With his toys and the animal went right to where he was, I was feeding my son, my wife yelled: Take the child quickly and I quickly released everything I had at that moment to grab my son, when he take the animal out with impressive speed towards the place of the refrigerator.
We thank God deeply for not allowing a 2-year-old infant to be bitten with a poison that is very dangerous for the child's age, it can even cause death, in these details we can see how God guards his children and cares for them with his great love. , incomprehensible love that surpasses all the limits of understanding, he is good and his mercy forever, brothers we have confidence that the architect of the universe has us held in his powerful hand, that is the message that he wants us to share, to manifest to the world that his peace can be in us and enjoy that care that only he gives.
Jehovah's verse guards his children.
As Jerusalem has mountains around it, so Jehovah is around his people from now on and forever. Psalm 125: 2