Lord or Savior? // this post is set to donate 15% to Hearthchurch

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

Lord or Savior?


Good evening dear brothers in the faith God bless me, the peace of the Lord with you, as I always send a fraternal greetings to the more than 4000 subscribers of Hearthchurch, we have been spreading throughout many countries and the vision of The first church of the blockchain today has been inserted in the hearts of so many parishioners as well as other participants who want to be part of this project.

A special greeting to @ Darlenys01, @ ricci01, who are constantly active working towards this great and arduous task, I personally feel that during this year that we were away from this platform due to the pandemic, we have to catch up, Between so many occupations and work, my wife and I @ glori1612, @jeanglou have made the commitment to document ourselves about it because of all the technological innovations and organization of this community. In these brief lines I want to share with all of you a reflection that will move the fiber, today we were carrying out an activity called “celebrating Christ” where, as I had commented in other publications, we were preparing ourselves for this commitment, a lot of effort and hours of work invested with the sole purpose of exalting the name of Jesus Christ making known the gospel of salvation through Dances, music and the preaching of the word of God.
Within all this marked event we have the special participation of a preacher, who for ethical reasons I will not name, while I was playing a musical background on the keyboard, this man expressed a phrase that made me meditate deeply, to the point of asking him sorry bye. You may wonder why this deep meditation, the reason is simple, because the preacher said:

Sometimes we want Jesus Christ to be our Savior but not our Lord.

If we notice there are two different words, one refers to saving ourselves from a problem or illness, difficult situation and then continuing with our normal life, but the other, which is the word sir, implies something deeper spiritually, it means leaving behind a sinful life to make way for it. to the lordship of God in your life. So many friends only want to open the emergency box when it is obligatory or merely necessary, that is why many do not allow the Holy Spirit to work to transform but when a need is satisfied, I will only come to God "in case of emergency"


Matthew 7: 21-23 New International Version
Not everyone who tells me: "Lord, Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day: “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name we cast out demons and did many miracles? Then I will tell you clearly: “I never knew you. Get away from me, you evildoers! "

Beloved, in these imposing and dangerous times it is necessary to understand that without holiness no one will see the Lord, that sin must be mitigated to fully surrender our lives, there is no other way, whoever humbles himself before the throne of God will receive justification with a ticket of salvation of the soul, but whoever does not live according to the word of God, only wants to open the medicine cabinet in case of emergency.

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