Essence of Praise |05-09-2021|

in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


Psalms 9:1

Psalms 67:3-7

-Praising him no matter the circumstance.

Lesson Outline 1: Why should we praise God?

*The almighty formula for miracles and wonders is praising God.

*The attributes of God are sufficient reason to praise him.

Txt- Isaiah 6:3

PS - God's holiness is linked with His glory.

  • Victory over our enemies
  • For his goodness and wonderful works
  • God is a jealous God, and he demands for Himself our worship
  • Praise is an acceptable sacrifice before God. (Heb 13:15)

Importance of Praising God

  • He Fights on our behalf
  • For His mercies
  • For what He is yet to do and what He has done
  • He cannot praise Himself

Lesson Outline No 2: Acceptable Praise

What does it take to offer an acceptable praise to God?

  • Grateful heart.
  • Drawing near to Him in holiness and repentance.
  • Right Motives
  • Being a child of God
  • Confess our sins and abstinence

What are the things that makes up an Unacceptable praise?

  • Wrong motives
  • Pride
  • Uncleanliness

Praise is an inevitable aspect of worshipping.


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