Greetings, friends and brothers from the HeartChurch community. If any of you have run out of strength to go on and on on your way to his goal, let me tell you that God's forces begin where yours end. Exactly in that place on the road where you have run out of strength, there precisely, God has taken you in his arms to help you travel through the desert where you are now beginning to walk.
Do not fear, because I am with you; do not be discouraged, because I am your God who fights you; I will always help you, I will always support you with the right hand of my justice. Isaiah 41: 10

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The forces of God are on your weaknesses to strengthen you along the way and encourage you to continue despite the fact that the path has thorns and many obstacles to reach the end.
If you feel fatigued and spiritually fatigued, you cannot bear it, the Lord right now gives you new strength to lift wings like the eagle and fly over your difficulties. God will not leave you or forsake you, because he loves you so much that he cares for you with eternal love.
Do not be discouraged, because the power that God gives you is inexhaustible. The Lord tells you that he has poured out his love into your heart through his Spirit. You have the power of God poured into your heart, do not forget that you are the room where the Holy Spirit dwells.
God's love for you is so unconditional that the Lord will not give up the deep love he has for you. He loves you so much that he sent his Son to die on the cross for you.
Be encouraged to continue, because God gives you the strength to continue and achieve the goal that has marked you. God will fulfill his purpose in you until you are crowned in Zion.
Trust that God gives you enough strength to move on and win the incorruptible prize of eternal life.