My Reflection: Build a Victorious Family (20% to @HeartChurch)

in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

For I have chosen him to send his sons and his house after him to keep the way of the LORD, doing justice and judgment, so that the LORD may fulfill in Abraham all that He has said about him. Genesis 18:19

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As a woman and a mother, I understand the great commitment that I have before God to raise my children in the ways of the Lord. It is an arduous and complex task when it falls to me to play the role of mother and father at the same time.

I am a divorced woman with three beautiful children, however, although it is hard and difficult for me, my responsibility before God is greater. I have to be a mother and a Christian with examples for my children. Raising a victorious family without the warmth of a parent at home is difficult. However, God commands us not to be unequally yoked, this I understood very late in my life when I did not have Christ, now, everything is different, but with the help and love of God, I try as much as possible to guide my children in the paths of the Lord.

Keeping the way of the Lord involves instructing our children in the word of God. Teaching God's commandments leads us to put into practice what God commands in his word. In the Old Testament, parents were commanded as an obligation, that they had to teach the word of God to their children, from generation to generation. This guaranteed to the children in each generation the knowledge of God and the fear of the Lord.

Children must be taught to honor their parents. The fact that I do not have my first partner does not take away the right of my children to relate to their father and above all, that they must love and respect him.

In the Bible there are many examples of men of God who had very difficult relationships with their children, one case is King David, who was persecuted by his son Absalom, but David loved him so much that he mourned the death of his son when they ambushed him .

A victorious family is one that serves God from the heart. Christian parents have a great responsibility to educate and raise their children as God commands in his word. In case of correcting them, they can do it without generating any mistreatment on them.

In a Christian family where love, respect, solidarity, effective communication and mutual forgiveness operate; This allows children to grow up emotionally and spiritually healthy, which helps to form a family team in victory.

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