Greetings, dear friends in the HeartChurch community. In life, things sometimes don't happen the way you want them to. However, mistakes are learned for good teaching and this allows overcoming failures that may occur in the future.

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The defeats of a moment do not mean your failure of a lifetime. There are defeats that you can turn into victories if you intend to make them meaningful lessons for a better life.
I consider my first marriage to be a complete failure or a resounding defeat. When there is no good communication or respect in the couple, everything ends in defeat. However, you cannot sit idly by and go from failure to failure, but you must wait for the moment to make a loss a great opportunity to bring important victories in your life.
At first I thought that the world was falling on me because my marriage had broken up, however, when I began to have a very intimate relationship with God and accept Christ as the savior of my soul, things began to change. The defeats or failures remained as a moment of my past life, in Christ things began to become new. My new marriage in Christ took a 360 degree turn, allowing me to savor victories in my new marriage relationship.
When we commit our lives to God, we begin to experience victories and everything in Christ becomes opportunities for success.
In Christ there are no failures, but failures turn into successes. A Christian marriage is different from a marriage that does not know God.
In God everything is made new, old things remain in the past and defeats become victories.