God has given my hands important skills and abilities to make delicious dishes. I have the ability to cook and do extraordinary things that impact and please other people.
God has given me the talent to cook and prepare all kinds of special dishes. Like me, God also endows and trains human beings in special abilities to defend themselves in life.
The Lord is the one who gives talent to doctors, educators, engineers, lawyers, athletes of high competence, in short, God is the one who gives gifts so that men can function successfully in society.
Technological development is the product of the talents and capacities that God places in the people who work in the technological world. In other words, God enables the human race to work and transform the matter that God places in nature and that is of collective benefit.
If we focus on the gifts that God places in the church, we can find that God endows the believer with abilities to sing, dance, preach, do missionary work, prophesy, and other important talents that are for the edification of the church.
God gives us gifts and talents to serve and worship Him. The talents are not for boasting, but for serving the Lord in his work and for the church to be edified and grow in the love of Christ.
The apostle Paul spoke to the brothers in the Corinthian church about spiritual gifts, which are:
7 But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for profit.
8 For to him the word of wisdom is given by the Spirit; to another, the word of science according to the same Spirit;
9 to another, faith by the same Spirit; and to another, gifts of healing by the same Spirit.
10 to another, working miracles; to another, prophecy; to another, discernment of spirits; to another, various types of languages; and to another, language interpretation.
11 But all these things are done by the same Spirit, who distributes to each one in particular according to his will. 1 Corinthians 12: 7-11

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The apostle says that these gifts are given by the Holy Spirit, who distributes to each believer as he wants and not as the believer wants.
All of these gifts are for the purpose of building up the Lord's church. Each believer receives it according to the capacities that God places in each one. The intent of the gifts is to make the church of Jesus Christ a dynamic church focused on winning souls for the kingdom of heaven.