in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
(Lamentations 3: 22‭-‬23)
One of the powerful messages in the Bible is Lamentations 3: 21 - 23. Let me take you to the background issues for you to understand it.
Most of us woke up one Christmas morning, and saw Tsunami devastating Thailand, Indonesia and many parts of Asia. Also that of Earthquake in Haiti or that of Tsunami in Japan leading to Nuclear Plant melt down. All can be described by One word: Disaster.
And we can say, there was no hope for the future.

Judah in the time of Jeremiah the Prophet had similar problem. The powerful king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezer, came with his powerful army, destroyed every thing, the temple of Solomon, the Palace of Solomon, the government house, and took every precious thing away, plus the able body people away - the noble people, young people, the artisans, priests, prophets, men and women, and the royal people, leaving only children, the aged and sick people. Most of the houses destroyed, streets destroyed, farms destroyed, it was more than Tsunami.
But he left the old prophet Jeremiah there as the only light for there.
Now the light himself started mourning, weeping and crying. His mourning is what is recommended for us as Lamentations.
But in the midst of that hopelessness, that gloomy future, he said, this he calls to mind, and that gives him hope (Lam 3: 21): The Grace and Mercies of God towards His covenant people. Because of that His people wouldn't be destroyed forever, because His grace and mercy are renewed every morning. And that His faithfulness to keep His covenant and His covenant people alive is great. Hallelujah.
And Jeremiah was right. Israel was indeed never destroyed. They live today, as a testimony.
And this is the message I want to communicate to you this moment. If you have come into this covenant through Christ, then you are covered by the Grace and Mercy of God. And God's faithfulness to keep His covenant people through all Tsunamis of life, all Corona waves, even Antichrist or whatever crisis is great.
And as you and I have woke up this morning, that covenant grace and mercy of God have been renewed towards you and I. Why, because great is His faithfulness. Amen.
So our response to this grace and mercy of God, is to thank Him and take advantage of what He is offering us each and every morning.

Do you know what? The future with God is bright, brighter, and brightest.
Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy towards us, your covenant people. May we wake up each and every morning Lord with a deep breath of thanksgiving, acknowledging your faithfulness toward us in Jesus name. Amen


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