Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to come your way with this reminder from the God Almighty. Take your time and...
A voice says, “Cry out.” And I said, “What shall I cry?” “All people are like grass, and all their loveliness is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fade and fall, because the wind of the Lord blows on them. Surely all people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40: 6-8)
There is something about God that makes me fear Him. And it is about how He keeps reminding us that Life in this Earth is Temporal. Unfortunately, most people haven't caught up with that.
One day, the Lord gave a vivid picture of how temporary, how short and how transient life, with its beauty, loveliness and glory, is to the Prophet Isaiah.
The Lord compared human life to grass, and its glory, beauty and loveliness to flowers. Then He contrasted that to His Word. He told Isaiah, now you've got the message, so go and proclaim what I have taught you to Israel.
And what Isaiah proclaimed to Israel is carried to us by Apostles James and Peter (James 1: 10 - 11, 1 Peter 1: 24 - 25).
The message the Lord is trying to teach us is simple. It can be stated this way:
There is so much to love and to appreciate and to have in this life, and yet everything that we see is like grass - ourselves included. We may blossom and flourish so beautifully and powerfully and yet we wither (dry up) and perish (decay), and that within a short time (so quickly). How true a message.
But why would God do things this way? God did things that way so that we may set our hearts on the loveliness and the glory that are beyond this temporary world and temporary life.
Our dear Apostle Paul says to us Christians, If only for this life (this short, grass life) we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all people (1 Cor 15 : 19).
So if your hope in Christ is true and genuine, I want to assure you, that hope would not cease with this life. Rather it gets brighter and brighter into eternity as the grass life withers away and perishes. Amen
We thank you, our Lord God for your reminders and warnings that our life here is temporary like that of grass and flowers
Help us Lord not to be caught up in the craziness and the frenziness of life. May our faith and hope in Christ Jesus never wither as our grass life withers. Rather, may they yield to us everlasting results in Jesus name. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes