in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

I thank the Lord for the journey of this great community . I know for sure that it's imparting truth, faith, knowledge of God and righteousness to many people. And to God be the glory.

Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart. But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
(2 Corinthians 4:1‭-‬2)
I just want us to respond to the Mercies of God by learning from Apostle Paul.
If there is anyone who knows the mercies of God, then it's Saul of Tarsus, who became Paul. As a Jew, he was serious with his heritage, the Jewish faith and culture, and was ready to fight to protect it. The Bible calls such Jewish people Zealous. They were ready to kill, destroy and even die for their Judaism. Today, we call such people Radicals or Extremists, and normally use it for people like ISIS, AlQaida, Taliban.
And Paul was that type, very violent, dangerous, and zealous, fighting hard to uphold his version of the Jewish faith and Jewish God. Until one fateful afternoon, he met face to face that same God on the road to Damascus. That encounter taught Paul the mercies of God.
And how did he responded to God's mercy?
Not only did he repented of his former way of life, but renounced all forms of dishonesty and secret things that would bring shame to God, to His name and the Gospel. He also refused to be "smart" as we call it in Ghana. Not walking in craftiness, and deceiving people. He also rejected outright mishandling the faith. He moved away from deception by not peddling, tampering and manipulating God's Word for personal gains, glory or fame.
For Paul, bringing the truth of God and the knowledge of God's grace was his number one priority. So whenever Paul comes around and leaves, his conscience and that of his ministry team and even the people he preached to were clear before God.
Unfortunately, not many Christians are responding to God's mercies that way. For some, grace and mercy are license for stupidity, hypocrisy and corruption. That is not how God wants us to handle His grace and mercy.
Let's turn to God now and repent in view of His mercy and grace toward you and I, as His people.
Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace towards us. We turn to you Lord and repent from all forms of ways that dishonor you and discredit the Gospel. May your power and blessing rest on us even as we seek to respond in faith and in truth to your mercy in Jesus name. Amen


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