in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

Rejoice in this, even though for a little while you may have to experience grief in various trials. Even gold is tested for genuineness by fire. The purpose of these trials is so that your faith’s genuineness, which is far more valuable than perishable gold, will be judged worthy of praise, glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ
(1 Pe 1: 6‭ - 7)
Why does God test us? What is He looking for? What is His purpose?
To answer these questions, let us consider the word test.
The Dictionary defines Test as "to ascertain the worth of a person or something by subjection to certain examination (Collins English Dictionary)
For example, a Jeweler will subject gold or silver to certain test. He does this because they are valuable. He won't bother himself to test iron rods. And our God does the same to us. God tests us not because He is angry with us or wants to put us down. On the contrary, testing is a mark of God's favor. For example, He even boasted about His servant Job's impeccable uprightness and fear of God. So God tests us because He wants to establish our value or worth, so that He can accordingly bless us and promote us (Jer 17: 10, Rev 2: 23).
So for the reason, the Apostles exhort us to respond to life troubles, difficulties, challenges and circumstances with joy, patience and faith. Their point is that God might be using them as tests (James 1 : 2 - 3).. Naturally, we humans respond to these trials we face in life with anger, complain and questions. Oh, God why me? Why this trouble? Where is God? But these are signs that we are misunderstanding God and His dealings with us.
Please, take this truth from me: that God is Sovereign, Wise and Powerful. And that He has a wise plan for your life (Jer 29: 11), but His wise plan sometimes includes suffering and difficulties and pains. We can see this in Joseph's life, in Abraham's life, in Paul's life, in Jesus's life, and in Job's life. So all that we have to do in such tough times, is to know God is in control, and so submit ourselves to Him and to His wisdom. So that after the turbulence is over, you and I will emerge as pure, genuine gold, tried and tested (Job 23: 10). The rest will His restoration, blessings and promotion. Do you like the end of Joseph? That of Job? That of Abraham? That of Jesus Christ? Then that is the God we serve and who also tests us every moment (Job 7: 17 - 18). Amen

For you to pass God's tests well, it is highly recommendable that you can distinguish and separate

  1. Test from Chasten. When is God testing you and when is He chastening or disciplining you. The two are not the same. If God is chastening you, know that you are sinning.

  2. Test and Temptation. The two are not the same. When is God testing you and when are you being tempted.
    One of signs of a growing and maturing Christian is how he or she handles these Dealings of God in his or her life.


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