God is the one who moves you where he wants

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Sometimes we think that we have control of everything, but in reality the one who does it is God, he directs our thoughts, makes us go to places that we do not believe possible, when something is in his plans, he creates the way for us to follow his plan without going. back, it seems that some would say that it is selfish on your part but it is not so because the will of God is perfect.

A man goes to a prayer service and in that service there is a person that God uses a lot of those who are guided a lot by the Holy Spirit, he had certain concerns that overwhelmed him but in a moment of ministry the man that God uses a lot approached telling him that God is the one who moved you, God is the one who sustains you because he is your provider, those were the words.


In a baseball team there is a manager who directs the players that he himself prepares in order to win, long before the game he has already evaluated his players and has concluded who can be chosen for a specific task, batting, running, taking the ball, pitching among other things and if there weren't that figure in the game it would be chaos.

We have seen that although there is a lot of talent without the correct decision-making or the guidance of a professional of the trade, in this case baseball things would not work, 70 percent of the victories of a team depend on its leader, the players can be good but if they are not aligned correctly the equipment will not work.

This is how God is with us because he sees that there is a lack of direction for us to work in his work and he makes an act with his presence giving man understanding of how to play his role on earth, we pray and God answers us, we fast and God answers us, because we He loves us so much that he has us in his care.

Salmos 25:4-5
SEÑOR, muéstrame tus caminos, {y} enséñame tus sendas. Guíame en tu verdad y enséñame, porque tú eres el Dios de mi salvación; en ti espero todo el día.

He takes us where it is necessary, he is the perfect one so it only remains to believe and obey from the heart friends, may God bless you greatly.

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