It is not a good tree that bears bad fruit, nor a bad tree that bears good fruit.
Because each tree is known by its fruit; because figs are not harvested from the. thorns, nor grapes are harvested from brambles. The good man, out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man, out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil; Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks
(Luke 6:43-45)
Changes to be effective must be genuine. Have solid roots. Of course, it will not be in our strength because human beings usually give up when difficulties arise or our old nature betrays us, we react and, henceforth, think that we will never make it. Modifications in our behavior patterns, on a personal and family level, must start from the inside out. Not the other way around, because it would be mere appearance.
Our beloved Savior Jesus Christ illustrated it this way: “That which bears bad fruit is not a good tree, nor that which bears good fruit is a bad tree. Because each tree is known by its fruit; because figs are not harvested from the. thorns, nor grapes are harvested from brambles. The good man, out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man, out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil; for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:43-45).
What determines the degree of influence that God is exerting on us, through prayer, daily and systematic reading of the Scriptures and a permanent disposition of His search, is the way in which our way of thinking and acting is transformed, that is to say: the fruits.
If the Lord governs our being, He brings changes and progressively we are experiencing solid changes that will not be modified backwards despite the information with which society, full of anti-values, bombards us.
Keep in mind that the transformation of a child of God is always related to the way of thinking. Renew our mind. Thats the secret. It is possible if we surrender our hearts to God.
If we recognize that the negative values of society corrupt the Father's purpose for us as well as the identity that should always assist us. Of course, renewing the mind will bring us a huge conflict, but we can win with the help of our Mighty Creator.
God bless you greatly