Helping the needy.

in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


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God delights in us helping those in need of any kind. There are different kind of need and I want to be very careful not to narrow the help to those that are poor or in need of financial assistance. Even the rich needs help. I tell you,a rich man who doesn't know Jesus needs help.

Money is not all man need to live life,if money were to be all man needs,the rich will not lack anything at all. A rich man approached Jesus in the scripture asking him what he needed to do to be saved...isn't it funny,why does he need salvation? It's simple,money could not purchase him salvation,money cannot buy the gift of God.

One of our mandate as believers is to look out for those in need within (household) and even without and see how we can be of help to them. Some are in need psycologically,physical, spiritual and so many others are in need materially. We will make God proud if we can fill this gap here on earth.

There was a story told in the scripture of how some neglected the poor,the isolated,the homeless and all manner of nameless people and when the Lord was to judge He said to them,I came to you (in form of these people so you can be of help to me but you) neglected me and so they were not welcomed into His kingdom simply because they overlook those who were in need of help.

Helping the needy is one of the numerous ways of extending God's love to the dying world,we are not to shut our ear and eyes to the needy,it is called "need" because it's important and relevant for survival. We don't profess we love God when we don't show it in our action,we show it by expressing it.

The apostles in the scripture took it upon themselves to ensure that those that are in need in their time were taken care of to the extent that no one lacked even in the church. This is how the church should look like, we should help those in need amidst us that no one will be looked upon as someone who lacks.

"44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
Act 2:44-45

The love the brethren had for one another in the early church was genuine and selfless. People sold their properties to ensure that those in need were taken care of,everyone considered the other as brother and sister of the same blood. They had the mindset that they have all been purchased with the blood of Christ,that they have been baptised into one body and into one spirit and so they are one big family.

If we all can see from this standpoint and act accordingly then earth will indeed be heaven for all, everyone can feel a home and feel free with every other believer, everyone can be confident that when he comes into the midst of believers like him or herself,her needs of any kind will be met.


I've established earlier on that need are divers,financial need is just one out of the numerous need man is faced with and we all can help out in one way or the other.
Let make Jesus proud by expressing love via lending a helping hand to as many who needs it.

I call you blessed.

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