in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 



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Luk 1:34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

The question above was asked by Mary the mother of Jesus,the one favoured by God. It happened that God sent the Angel Gabriel to her to communicate what He wants to do on earth through Her. The message was simple yet ambiguous to the mind.The angel Gabriel told her that she was going to conceive and give birth to the saviour of the world without meeting a man.

The law of nature contradict the message that was delivered to her,no woman reproduces without having an intercourse with a man,hence the question she asked.

The first lesson I want us to learn from this is that when God is set to move,even the law of nature can't stop Him,the law of nature is suspended,He created those laws and set them in place and can at will suspend them to carry out His special agenda even in the lives of His children.

The law of gravity was in existence in Jesus's days when He ascended to heaven even before the very eyes of His disciples,the law of gravity could not stop Him. The sun and the moon stood still in the days of Joshua and that disrupted time even till this day.

Asking God how it shall be sometimes is out of unbelief,many believers are so much trapped in the sense realm that they can't see from God's stand point, when we are too used to this realm,faith will be far from us and it will be very impossible to please God because we will only be walking by sight and not by Faith.
Remember what the scripture say,the just shall live by Faith.

Many people have received words from the Lord and haven't seen manifestation because they doubted it or didn't believe it. To them it seems illogical but we must understand that the ways and instructions of God have in sundry times sounded foolish to man. GOD cannot be limited by our thinking even when man thinks it's impossible. There's nothing like "impossibility" with God.

To Mary God answered her question, God made her see that He could do and undo,He can call things forth from nothing,He can make or mar if He so chooses. Mary thought the only way to conceive and reproduce was only by sexual intercourse. But it dawned on her that the creator of heaven and Earth has more than one way to get things done.

Beloved,our mind is indeed limited when it comes to the things of the spirit and the operations of God. The things of the spirit are spiritually discerned,the mind cannot capture it all. If God is telling you something He wants to do,you better believe and cooperate with Him even when you can't grasp it fully. We don't need to understand everything before following Him.

God told Abraham to live his kindred and go to a place He will show him. Abraham never had a blueprint of where he is going to,neither was he given a map but he obeyed foolishly and became the Father of faith.

It takes faith to journey on that path,it takes faith to shut your ears to the so called wisdom men will share with you just to dissuade you from that action of yours they consider as foolishness,it takes faith to hold on even when you aren't seeing everything play out as said by God.

God want us to walk in absolute trust in Him,He wants us to answer "yes Lord,I believe" each time He talks without looking at the circumstances surrounding us when His word came to us. Most times His word comes to us when all hope is gone and we're just at the verge of giving up. Somehow that present situation can becloud us in such a way that we don't see any form of hope or possibility in view, but if we are courageous enough to take a bold step in believing His word at that instance,there will surely be a performance,a net breaking miracle like the one Peter experienced in Luke 5.

Peter fished all night and caught nothing,he was depressed hopeless and considered himself a failure after trying all he could including all he knew about fishery.
But the word came to him form Jesus to cast his net for a draught. The question "how shall this be" came up in another form from Peter...let's check it out

" 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net

He said in verse 5, we have toiled all night and have taken nothing,meaning what difference will it make (How shall this be) because according to the law of nature,the best time to get the best of fishes was in the night time when the river seems to be calm and when big fishes feel at home in their habitat but it was morning already which means big fishes would have gone very far from the reach of the fishermen.

Thanks God he was able to snatch himself from the grip of unbelief and doubt even though he was almost caught up in it. And he made this statement that expressed faith ; "nevertheless at thy word,I will let down the net"
The next verse (6) gave us a picture of what happened of that statement of faith.

" 6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.

A mind blowing miracle occurred, Jesus again suspended the law of nature,they enclosed a great multitude of fishes so much so that the net they used brake.

Dear friends,what has God told you,If He has said it, He will do it,just trust Him and Hold Him by His words,He has never failed and He is not ready to. Don't try to process His words or instructions using you brain,your brain can betray you, act upon His word by Faith and see things turnaround for you.

I call you bless

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