Trials are part of life,and as believers we should expect it as we embark on this journey of faith. It is important to me too at this point that trail are not usually sweet experiences,they come with discomfort and pain but it is to the end that we get better and be promoted.
Behind every trial is promotion,once you overcome you step up. Let me make this simple enough for us to grasp,a student who attends school will not get promoted until he or she is being faced with test and examination,this system is what qualifies the student to move to the next phase.No matter how tough the lecture seems to be,the student overlooks it and faces the test and examination because of the promotion he sees after the test.
Our disposition and attitude to trial should be in this manner. We are to look beyond the present challenges and trials we are faced with and set our eye on that which God hopes to achieve in us through what we are faced with. Another good example is gold,a gold is not a gold until it passed through fire.It is only appreciated when it passes through fire ,fire is a type of trial man faces, and he becomes refined after the whole process.
We also should not curse God when facing trials,many people do that in the far of trial but it is not the right attitude to trial. The mind and intent of God is for you to overcome and be better. He doesn't take delight in suffering His children. Always remember that no matter how loving a teacher is,he will still subject his kids to examination and test so that that their true strenght can be revealed and they can be better.
Friends don't feel bad when you're faced with divers trial,instead rejoice for you're coming out triumphantly. God is with you and will also supply you with the needed strenght to overcome. Cheer up brethren.
Gracias ♥️