Greetings to my dear friends in the heartchurch community.

Todos los cristianos que de una u otra forma compartimos, tenemos algunas ventajas personales, por lo que es una buena virtud, y por lo tanto, un valor positivo, le pedimos a Dios que nos ayude a convertirnos en una persona generosa y siempre estamos disponibles, que comparten lo que tenemos menos felicidad.
Being generous is what leads us to provide, without expecting anything and that is the essence of this value, and the one who receives does not have to respond, Christian work not only provides peace of mind, but also helps us to be forgiven and the Solidarity exalts us before God, and this value makes Christians serve God.
All Christians who in one way or another share, have some personal advantages, so it is a good virtue, and therefore a positive value, we ask God to help us become a generous person and we are always available , who share what we have less happiness.