Greetings to my dear friends in the heartchurch community.

Muchos esperamos con ansia que el Señor nos salve y arrebate al reino de los cielos a Su llegada, pero como ha sido nuestro comportamiento y que hemos realizado por los demás en este mundo, al día de hoy sabemos que el Señor Jesús regresará, pero a su vez el se encuentra a nuestro lado siempre esperando que le entreguemos nuestro corazón, para salvar y purificar nuestras almas y así convertirnos en Cristianos.
Brethren, we believe that Jesus has forgiven our sins and made us righteous by faith and it is really the purpose of God for each one of us, in addition, we believe that if someone is saved once, he will be saved forever, and when the Lord returns, we will immediately be taken to heaven, we must accept the work of God's judgment in the last days as Christians and therefore we must lead a righteous life.
Many of us eagerly await the Lord to save us and snatch the kingdom of heaven upon His arrival, but as our behavior has been and what we have done for others in this world, today we know that the Lord Jesus will return, but to in turn he is by our side always waiting for us to give him our hearts, to save and purify our souls and thus become Christians.