Greetings to my dear friends in the heartchurch community.

Esta es una forma como Jesús nos explica las tres clases de personas que no son tierra buena para la palabra de Dios son las que no tienen esperanza las que están al lado del camino no les interesa la palabra de Dios porque lo que ven son sus intereses la semilla que cayó en terreno pedregoso son las que no saben enfrentar los obstáculos Y se desaniman las semillas entre espinas representa a los que creen pero no se sienten satisfechos y prefieren otras cosas dinero poder la semilla de tierra buena representan a las personas que creen y viven en la esperanza y se portan bien, mis hermanos estamos a tiempo de decidir donde caer como semillas, para lo gloria y honra de Dios.
The parable of the Sower Jesus explains to us what happens in the kingdom of God in the kingdom of heaven because it is similar to what a Sower did the Sower went out to scatter the seeds some fell on the edge of the and the birds ate them others fell on stony land where there is little soil and they sprouted right away because the land was shallow but when the sun came up they burned for lack of roots others fell among thorns and drowned and others fell on good soil and bore fruit which means that the fruits depend on the made people willing or unwilling to listen and follow God.
This is a way in which Jesus explains to us the three classes of people who are not good ground for the word of God, they are those who have no hope, those who are on the side of the road, they are not interested in the word of God because what they see are their interests the seed that fell on rocky ground are those that do not know how to face obstacles and are discouraged the seeds among thorns represents those who believe but do not feel satisfied and prefer other things money power the seed of good soil represents people who believe and they live in hope and behave well, my brothers we are in time to decide where to fall like seeds, for the glory and honor of God.