Greetings to my dear friends in the heartchurch community.
Lo que podemos apreciar que todos eran personas corrientes intelectualmente tampoco destacan son prácticamente analfabetos, cómo personas tampoco eran una maravilla tenían sus defectos no eran gente excepcional, eran personas corriente por encima de su diversidad lo que los unía era su amistad con Jesús.
Todos tenían una cosa que le distinguía y es que se sentían queridos por Jesús y él los eligió en este grupo de amigos porque quería que ellos continuaran en lo que él había iniciado manifestar por el mundo el buen mensaje de Cristo salvador, y mis hermanos ya no son doce sino somos millones de Cristianos que tenemos esa responsabilidad de seguir ese mensaje y cumplir con ir por el mundo y predicar el evangelio, bueno mis hermanos es un gran momento para convertirnos en auténticos seguidores de Jesús.
If we review the Bible, the Followers of Jesus came to be made up of 12 people, the first six followers of Jesus were simple and poor men, they were good people, in the case of Matthew it was different, he was a tax collector, his job was seen as dirty, but he I also call him Jesus and he followed him, he left his job and his money and followed him to the end, the other five were perhaps friends or acquaintances of the first ones and they got to know Jesus until they stayed with him in a short time there were already 12 in the group Jesus knew many people and chose 12 to be his companions and send them out to preach.
What we can appreciate is that they were all intellectually ordinary people, they are also practically illiterate, how people were not marvelous either, they had their defects, they were not exceptional people, they were ordinary people despite their diversity, what united them was their friendship with Jesus.
They all had one thing that distinguished him and that is that they felt loved by Jesus and he chose them in this group of friends because he wanted them to continue in what he had begun to manifest the good message of Christ the Savior throughout the world, and my brothers already there are not twelve but we are millions of Christians who have the responsibility to follow that message and fulfill going around the world and preaching the gospel, well my brothers it is a great moment to become authentic followers of Jesus.