A Way to Change And Impact

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

It is not necessary for us to talk so much when we have an example with which to show what we are, there are people who are not so easy to convince or make them understand some point of view of ours, however if we demonstrate with actions that we are in the right place correct, words will be unnecessary.



Sometimes we pressure someone to do something like us, but what better way to make them understand by executing it and for them to see that our behavior is good and has good results, if they also do it, then they will receive those results.

When we demonstrate with our behavior what we believe or how we think we will impact others, that is example, leadership, that is called influence, not bothering, nor yelling and much less pressing.
This is not shown by the l Verses 14, 15 and 16 of Matthew 5
"You are world's light; a city settled on a hill cannot be HIDDEN. Neither does he turn on a light and he does put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. So let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. "

As followers of God we must show our light to others but with the way we behave, let us put words aside and allow deeds to speak for us.

Let's not be that limiting for outsiders, of those examples that make others think, I never want to be like that, let's positively impact the lives of others and this must be with all possible intention, we must influence others.

In this way we will also be doing a self-analysis, which is extremely important to help us grow spiritually, never underestimate your example because the one you think least is observing, you may never get to know someone who with your example changed his life, but he will .

Everyone who does the will of God obediently will be light in a world that needs him more and more.

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