Tal vez has hecho una oración parecida a esta:
Señor, en mi aflicción no parece haber salida, ya tengo tanto tiempo con esto, me siento como en pozo cenagoso y me hundo </center
¿Cuánto tiempo más pasará para salir? ¿De qué manera me ayudarás a vivir?
Escucha lo que Jesús te dice:
No te he dicho que si crees verás la gloria de Dios? Te lo he dicho muchas veces y me agrada que tengas fe, tú verás, esta visión quiero que la tengas ahora porque Yo hago cosas imposibles de la nada. Verás la gloria de Dios
Basado en la muerte y resurrección de Lázaro, el hermano de Marta y María, amigos de Jesús, historia de la Biblia. Jesús lo resucitó luego de 4 días muerto y sepultado.
"Y el que había estado muerto salió, con las manos y los pies atados con vendas y la cara envuelta en un lienzo. Jesús les dijo: -Desátenlo y déjenlo ir." (Juan 11:44)
Quizás hoy sientes que has perdido todas tus fuerzas y ya no tienes esperanza... Lázaro no sólo había perdido todas sus fuerzas, ¡él ya no tenía vida! Pero éstas fueron las palabras de Jesús a Marta la hermana de Lázaro: “¿No te he dicho que si crees, verás la gloria de Dios?” (Juan 11:40). Ese mismo Jesús que resucitó a Lázaro está contigo y debes saber que Él nunca llega tarde.
Esta reflexión cristiana te hace pensar en Jesús, en sus milagros aunque no haya esperanza según las reglas del mundo. Pon tu Confianza en Dios aunque tengas una fuerte prueba. Dile a Dios que te ayude y te saque de tus problemas a pesar de los difíciles problemas que vivas. Dios es milagroso.
God wants us to believe even if we don't see the miracle at once. God wants you to start taking steps of faith even if you don't see how you will continue later. Jesus told Martha, Lazarus's sister when he was 4 days dead, Haven't I told you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?
She said to him: Four days buried, Lord, why didn't you come when we called you? I know that in the last day Lazarus will resurrect, but what to do now with the one we love so much?
Four days with this test Lord, stink now, help my disbelief and make me believe that as you promised you will fulfill.
You will never abandon me.
Perhaps you have made a sentence similar to this:
Lord, in my affliction there seems to be no way out, I already have so much time with this, I feel like in a muddy well and I sink </center
How much more time will it take to get out? How will you help me live?
Listen to what Jesus tells you:
Haven't I told you that if you believe you will see the glory of God? I have told you many times and I am pleased that you have faith, you will see, this vision I want you to have now because I do impossible things out of nothing. You will see the glory of God
Based on the death and resurrection of Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, friends of Jesus, story from the Bible. Jesus resurrected him after 4 days dead and buried.
"And the one who had been dead came out, with his hands and feet bound with bandages and his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them: -Untie him and let him go." (John 11:44)
Perhaps today you feel that you have lost all your strength and you no longer have hope... Lazarus had not only lost all his strength, he no longer had life! But these were the words of Jesus to Martha, the sister of Lazarus: "Have I not told you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" (John 11:40). That same Jesus who raised Lazarus is with you and you should know that He is never late.
This Christian reflection makes you think of Jesus, of his miracles even though there is no hope according to the rules of the world. Put your trust in God even if you have a strong test. Tell God to help you and get you out of your problems despite the difficult problems you live. God is miraculous.