Luke 17:13-18 "And they raised up their voices and called, Jesus, Master, take pity and have mercy on us! And when He saw them, He said to them, Go [at once] and show yourselves to the priests. And as they went, they were cured and made clean. Then one of them, upon seeing that he was cured, turned back, recognizing and thanking and praising God with a loud voice; And he fell prostrate at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him [over and over]. And he was a Samaritan.Then Jesus asked, Were not [all] ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was there no one found to return and to recognize and give thanks and praise to God except this alien? And He said to him, Get up and go on your way. Your faith (your trust and confidence that spring from your belief in God) has restored you to health.
This is something I want to work on a little bit, because a lot of us want God to do it so we can go, but God is teaching us here i will do it as you go. You have been praying Lord do it for me so i can go, Lord fix me so you can use me, Lord heal me so I can be delivered but God is saying ...i will not heal you so you can go but I'll heal you as you go.
It doesn't look good right now but keep on walking, it doesn't look like the word is at work but keep on walking🚶. It does not look like your faith has been legitimized but sometimes you have to keep on walking. You might be in pain, but you got to keep on walking. You might be limping, uncertain? Keep on walking.
And there they were some with two toes and some with ten and some with two fingers and some with oozing infectious diseases but they keep on walking. You too can walk with it. Everything doesn't have to be alright for you to be able to walk with it you got to be able to walk with stuff, with the problem in the world today is that we give up on things because they are broken or lame or hurt.
And we don't understand how to walk with less than what we wanted, the ten lepers are walking with less than what they had, less than what they were born with, less than what they expected, less than what they believe, but they kept on walking.
I want to say this to you right now that you too can walk with it. You can walk it out. Though it might not be perfect but but you can learn to walk with it, you might have to work on yourself.
I know the devil's been telling you you can't take it anymore and you can't stand it and you got to run and you got to get away and you got to fight back. Jesus is saying go show thyself to the priest, you may say can I go like this? Yea you can walk with it. If it were possible i wouldn't have to challenged you. The challenge is to walk on broken bones, walk on oozing sores, the challenge is to walk when everything's not going right.
Anybody can walk to the priest when everything's is going good. I want you to go show yourself to the priest when all hell is breaking loose and trouble is everywhere. And it looks like things are getting worse instead of better and you are down to your last time and you can say to yourself i can walk with it. Shake your self out and say I can walk with it.
Everytime you say it the demon tremble, the hell get nervous, satan gets discouraged, principalities begin to shake, keep on saying I can walk with it, i can make it, it's a heavy burden but I can walk with it. You may be down to your last toe, moving with broken heart, broken bones, your family or friends may not like you. You can walk with it, in walking with you will be delivered and recover all.. Amen. 🙏