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Sin placed a very big obstacle between God and us, but through repentance we remove the obstacle that kept us from receiving salvation. And by faith we accept salvation. This shows that repentance and faith cannot be separated, because there can be no genuine repentance towards God, without faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ; Acts 20:21. It is only a person who is truly sorry for his sins that will feel his need of a savior and salvation for his soul.
Faith is the only way we can approach and receive the gift of salvation. Apart from salvation, every aspect of our Christian life depends on the exercise of faith. Saving faith comes to us when we hear the word of God on salvation. It raises in our heart a strong conviction that will move us to accept the message and put our trust and confidence in Christ. This faith is the gift of God which He sends through the gospel message.
Faith is like riding a bicycle, the rider must keep moving or he will fall. The word of God stated that the just should live by faith; Rom. 1:17, Heb. 10:38. Therefore, we must maintain our faith by:
a. Meditating in the word of God and feeding of our spirit man with the word of God daily.
b. Praying and worshipping God, as well as combining your prayers with fasting from time to time.
c. Fellowshipping with other Christians.
d. By going through trials and challenges of life; 1 Pt. 1:3-9.
Faith is our invisible hands with which we can receive God’s salvation.