Godly counsel is vital for the success of any human endeavour.
In our daily lives, we need godly counsel. More importantly, people in power need to realise that they need godly counsel in order to rule well.
Pharaoh demonstrated the character of a wicked king. He dreamt a dream which he could not interpret, and he sought counsel to get its interpretation.
Amazingly, it was Pharaoh’s cupbearer who offered him the counsel that led to his problem being solved. The counsel offered by the cupbearer was the result of his encounter with an oracle of God in prison.
We are not to despise those whom God has placed around us, and not to ignore their counsel.
Pharaoh could have dismissed the cupbearer’s counsel as coming from an uneducated person taking undue advantage of his access to the king.
Who could have expected to find a genuine and accurate interpreter of dreams in a prison yard? It was indeed the “God-factor” that made the king seek after Joseph, for all odds were against him.
The most interesting thing in the story is Pharaoh’s decision to put Joseph in charge of the massive project that resulted from the dream’s interpretation. How unsearchable are the ways of God!
Godly counsel can lead to wise decisions that will bring prosperity to communities, cities, nations and organisations. Leaders in all spheres of life should also learn from how Pharaoh placed a round peg in a round hole to achieve good governance.
A lot of godly counsel has been dismissed by people in leadership, leading to their downfall. This has also had destructive effects on the people they lead
Pharaoh could have insisted on appointing an indigenous Egyptian to be in charge of the enormous project to be undertaken. He could also have bastardised the divine arrangement that God had put in place to save the whole of his empire.
Where do you seek counsel from? Do you go to God and his servants or to the devil and his soothsayers? Only godly counsel can produce wise decisions in our life’s endeavours, regardless of the vessel God uses to deliver it.