I am always surprised when I see people question God. Usually, they ask “Why me?”
God is sovereign, He does as He pleases.
If the kings of small towns or villages in Yorubaland could be called ‘Kabio o si’, which means ‘None can question you’, how much more the King of the entire Universe. One who laid the foundations of the earth and created all things?
It is a complete insult to question God. God is not your pair – stop questioning Him. He can see what you’re going through and He cares. Instead of questioning Him, why not go to Him in prayer and supplication
There is a man who questioned God in the Bible called Job. He had suffered a lot: he lost his children and all his wealth in a day. To make matters worse, incurable diseases showed up on his body even his wife turned against him. Strangely, all these happened to him despite God testifying that he was a perfect and upright man. It was so frustrating for him so more so that his questions occupy several chapters in the book of Job. You may think his actions could be justified given all he had been through but God didn’t take it lightly.
Like He is keeping quiet for most of the people questioning Him now, God didn’t say anything to Job until chapter 38.
By the time He was through with His response, it was Job’s turn to be quiet. He was afraid and confused, realising the might of the One he had been questioning all along.
If you read the book of Matthew, you will observe that neither Mary nor Martha queried Jesus despite their anguish. Rather, they worshipped and honoured Him. Little wonder Jesus responded to their tears with compassion and raised their brother from death. He cannot ignore the tears of His children.
Call other believers to pray with you, and you will begin to see changes in your situation. Cry to Him for help, ask Him for a way out of the situation,