in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


Restitution means going ahead to do the right thing you have done wrong by correcting your mistakes. If you have stolen something whatsoever, you should make sure you return it now that you are saved.

Restitution is a piece of evidence that you feel sorry for sins you have done in the past and wish that you hadn't committed them in the first place.

It is good for you to seek Christian counseling if you aren't sure of how to go about restitution. Do not mind any Pastor or Minister who claims that there is no need for restitution.

If you are truly born again, the Holy Ghost won't allow you rest until you have returned anything you took in a wrong way.

Now, if you are trying to restitute for what occurred many years ago, you must be just.

For instance, if you stole 20 when it had big value, it wouldn't be right to return the same 20 today. Just make sure you find out the equivalent of that amount of what you stole in today’s market, or how much interest it would have gained presently if the owner had put it in a place that it would yield interest, then return the sum.

Restitution isn't a religious demonstration; it is borne out of regret for the past mistakes and a willingness to correct them.

When someone puts ask you to keep something and goes missing, you should restitute, unless the owner says otherwise.

If you borrow someone’s vehicle and it got damaged under your wash, it is your duty to repair it.

If you can't afford the repair at that time, do not act as if nothing happened; report the situation to the owner of the vehicle, apologies and humbly ask the fellow to help you repair it, promising to repay once you can afford it.

If the owner of the vehicle says you shouldn't worry, then you are free.

Like Zacchaeus in Luke 19:8, we must understand and stick to the principle of restitution.

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